Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Standard Set #1: AP Biology Science Practices

The first set of standards I will be using in my AP Biology class next year can be found here. This set covers science practices and comes directly from the College Board course description. Along with the four Big Ideas, there were also seven Science Practices that students should be familiar with after completing the class. The standards numbered x.0 will most likely not be assessed, as they are the main headings for each of the standards underneath.

Overall, I think these standards will be fairly easy to assess, as they will work for multiple labs, and can also be assessed via written or mathematical responses.

The standards are formatted for easy import into Blue Harvest, which is the standards based grading system I will be using next year. I will post more about that as I begin to use it. If you want to use them in Blue Harvest, download them as a comma separated values (.csv) file. This can then be uploaded into Blue Harvest via bulk uploader on the add/modify standards screen. The period in the standard name ( ex APSci2.3) seems to disappear, but can be added back one by one in Blue Harvest.

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